Tulisin Dragonflame
Posted - 2010.02.17 01:25:00 -
Originally by: Mr Ravenblade Edited by: Mr Ravenblade on 16/02/2010 23:17:20 As a newer player who can not yet fly the "big ships" like the titan or capitals, how can I best make a real difference, create change, or otherwise have an effect in eve?
The marketing to become a capsuleer always chooses to talk about how one person can make a difference, do extraordinary things, take on the world, etc.. but I really do not see a lot of that being *allowed* by the social elements because they see new players as worthless due to this lack of skills. The further budgetary constraints created by the sheer cost of many of the "good ships" and the skill books that enable them further complicates this issue.
So how am I supposed to do big things in eve, make an impact, etc, without working in a ore belt for 3 years to get the isk and the skills to fly capitals?
Edit: No this is not a troll, I honestly want to know what I can DO to be not only the most useful, but also make a real impact like the game marketing says is possible.
CCP actually likes to emphasize the butterfly effect a single player can have on a highly interconnected world. It isn't about you gunning down a hundred ships by yourself, but rather influencing the big picture in your own small way.
Lets say a month-old player fits up a rifter. He goes out to lowsec and finds a cruiser speeding along towards its destination. In a hurry, the cruiser just attempt to pass through the system, but the rifter tackles it and tries to kill it. The cruiser turns on Newbie McRifter and kills him (not saying that'll always happen, but it does in this case).
That cruiser was rushing to the aid of a nearby friendly freighter full of PoS fuel. Due to the delay, he didn't make it in time to support his gang, and a cascade of fail befalls the freighter's defense, causing it to die.
The freighter was on the way to a station that was about to run out of fuel.
The station was about to finish building a super capital ship.
The super capital ship was about to be deployed into a large fleet to defend an entire region from an enemy alliance.
But for the newbie rifter, the region was lost.
An improbable scenario, to be sure, but a demonstration of how one "takes on the world" in their own way. Every action you make has impacts that make ripples across the universe.